
GPRS well to tank control

In one of our previous application notes we showed you how SMS well to tank control works. This one on the other hand will show you how that is done via GPRS using GT900 line...

SMS well to tank control

This is one of the most usual implementations of our GT900-110 platform. It is a standard solution in simple automatization of well-tank system. This approach is used by many water supply companies. In the text...

Free software we made for you

Do you know that DECODE made software for its devices? Probably, as many other of our customers, you didn’t have this information. We have decided to take pride in our programming skills, and finally promote it as it...

DL28 in HORIZON 2020 projects

Belgrade power plants took a part in the EU Research and Innovation programme HORIZON 2020, within a MOEEBIUS and HOLISDER projects. MOEEBIUS: Modelling Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Buildings for Urban Sustainability

And it is here – DG100 IoT gateway

Our addition to Decode IoT family is here. Let's welcome DG100 Iot Edge gateway! DG100 is a compact and efficient multi-service IoT Edge Gateway for home, office and industrial applications. To learn all about it please check out...

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